
Monday, December 13, 2010

Im not that kind of girl.

Memories ain't suppose to be wonderful.Some memories are bitter.Like,You fell into a drain like i do then people started to laugh at me.Yeah So and Too Bitter.Let me tell you a secret of mine,Everyday I'll see my self at the mirror wondering when will I be pretty .But Im grateful that Im not that pretty,Insya-Allah one day I'll be pretty by Allah's power.Amin :D.Every Moment of mine is miserable,example.People would say that im a savage,misunderstanding,thinks by using my butt,All Malaysians don't want to be here girl and also a slut.Yes i made that up but by seeing their face makes me more misunderstood.I would imagine that theres a cloud with a letter on it saying 'What a slut'.Heh thats an example.And thts why i said people call me a savage,misunderstanding,thinks by using my butt,All Malaysians don't want to here girl and also a slut.In any ways I know im not tht girl who thinks im tht kind of girl

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